August 24, 2016

Free Calendar Wallpaper - September 2016!

While searching for some book, I happened to stumble upon this beautiful vintage book...

A Child’s Calendar – Illustrated by New Hampshire Artist Trina Schart Hyman, and featuring monthly poems by celebrated American poet John Updike.

As I announce the free Lensdepictions calendar for September 2016, I thought to share the refreshing September poem from the book here… :)

The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel--

Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Drying grass,
New books and blackboard
Chalk in class.

The bee, his hive
Well-honeyed, hums
While Mother cuts

Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze.

So refreshingly innocent! Such honest words!

Well, about the golden Day-lilies calendar here...

I feel that mother Nature is giving these last smiles of summer before metamorphosing in the magnificence of the sublime season of fall!

To get the HD version of this wallpaper and a free calendar wallpaper every month then after, Like Lensdepictions on Facebook, or Sign up here for free!

Hope you will enjoy looking at September on your devices… :)

Note: To search, buy and download gorgeous stock photos of flowers shot by me, go here!

Image Copyright ©2016 Gyaneshwari Dave

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