February 15, 2012

lensdepictions.com Gets Recognized By photographersselection.org!

www.lensdepictions.com gets selected by famous Black & White photography artist Jan Keteleer of Belgium to feature on - photographersselection.org, well-known for promoting exceptionally skilled photographers.

Lensdepictions.com remained as the “Featured Website” on the FRONT-PAGE (Home-page) of the reputed website for three consecutive days from 12th Feb to 14th Feb 2012! 

Below is the tear sheetNow you can find it on the “Stories of photographers” section there.

Jan Keteleer(JanKe) who is famous through his art exhibitions like "Roots With Taboo" and "Speechless" throughout the world has won several international awards. His photographs have found permanent place at prestigious locations like Brussels International airport Art Gallery and Virgin Airlines Airplanes Bodies to name a few!

It is extremely flattering to be recognized by a seasoned photographer like Jan Keteleer. His admiration for my professionalism in quality and originality of photography is the best compliment I have received for my work so far, proudly!

The article published by the renowned website is - about myself, my photography, and last but not the least- This blog! Read the article here.

© 2012 Gyaneshwari Dave

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