February 15, 2012

lensdepictions.com Gets Recognized By photographersselection.org!

www.lensdepictions.com gets selected by famous Black & White photography artist Jan Keteleer of Belgium to feature on - photographersselection.org, well-known for promoting exceptionally skilled photographers.

Lensdepictions.com remained as the “Featured Website” on the FRONT-PAGE (Home-page) of the reputed website for three consecutive days from 12th Feb to 14th Feb 2012! 

Below is the tear sheetNow you can find it on the “Stories of photographers” section there.

Jan Keteleer(JanKe) who is famous through his art exhibitions like "Roots With Taboo" and "Speechless" throughout the world has won several international awards. His photographs have found permanent place at prestigious locations like Brussels International airport Art Gallery and Virgin Airlines Airplanes Bodies to name a few!

It is extremely flattering to be recognized by a seasoned photographer like Jan Keteleer. His admiration for my professionalism in quality and originality of photography is the best compliment I have received for my work so far, proudly!

The article published by the renowned website is - about myself, my photography, and last but not the least- This blog! Read the article here.

© 2012 Gyaneshwari Dave

February 10, 2012

11 Things To Pack For A Photography Trip - Other Than The Camera!

While it is only rare that I am accompanied by any friends on a serious photography trip (well, I cannot and would not like to try their patience…) but on many occasions they have a look at my backpack/bag and are really curious to know what might possibly be in there. 

Here is a sneak peek into my bag for outdoor photography. 

I would skip my DSLR and the Lenses from the list, simply because these two things are so very obvious to be there in the bag when you go for a dedicated photography trip.


I try and make it a point to use it at least for landscape photography. Also, it is great when you want to shoot outdoor self-portraits!


It's good to refer to your camera manuals every now and then, and the best time to do this, is while you are on your way to your photography destination. 
It helps two ways, it prevents you from getting in that rut of a certain style of photography (Of course! The more you explore your camera, the more you experiment!), and secondly, in case  your camera mal-functions or gets damaged all of a sudden, you know exactly what is to be done.


You never know when you stumble upon that treasure of frames, and run out of memory in your camera. A Netbook/Mini laptop doubles up as back-up storage while providing for an instant review of the images on location as well!


Obvious when you carry that laptop!


There are certain situations when you don't want to put your costly DSLR at risk, or simply it is too bulky to handle for the given situation, you can always take out your compact camera and make sure you don't miss a good frame entirely.


This applies more when your trip is made of days and not hours... It is always a good idea to read something not related to photography, not only it refreshes you; it may provide some unique inspirations too!


There are circumstances when you are photographing at certain places, and you are breaking some laws (of-course not the serious ones :) knowingly or unknowingly...at these times, you can always hand over your business card and make your situation more convincing.


I have a habit of jotting down things- about the location, the lighting conditions, the mistakes I may have made during capturing some shots and so on...Sometimes, I draw tentative sketches of some noteworthy compositions too...


In case of sudden downpour, nothing can be more handy and portable for saving the camera. Also, in windy situations, you can change the lens by putting the camera inside the plastic bag!


Be it water or dust, it is always better to keep the enemies of your gear at bay!


Last but certainly not the least…particularly when you want to shoot for long hours or stay overnight at some place!

Images & Article © 2012 Gyaneshwari Dave

February 1, 2012

Photography Tip # 4

Stock Image of Roman colosseum Italy.

While photographing famous historical monuments, always INCLUDE SOME HUMAN element in your frame.

This makes a big difference because the person/persons in the photograph serve as a reference point to determine the giant size and scale of the structure. It helps to create the “sense of place” in the photograph too.

Structure in the Photograph: The Roman COLOSSEUM, Italy.

Image Copyrights ©2012 Gyaneshwari Dave