August 31, 2012

Photography Tip # 12

While photographing rows or patterns of objects like books/CD's/Crockery etc, place them on reflective surface.
Reflective surfaces show the same geometric pattern/shapes happening in the exactly opposite direction.
This not only doubles the impact but also adds to the graphic value of your image.

Image Copyrights ©2012 Gyaneshwari Dave

August 23, 2012

The Lens Project! (Part-1)

“Which lens to use is first an emotional decision and then, it is a technical one…”

This is my favorite and immediate answer to one of the two ubiquitous questions that keep coming my way- “Which lens should I buy?"
(The other one of course being- “which camera should I buy?”)

Of course, in the above context, when I say emotional, I largely mean - that the type of lens you will need depends upon what objects you love to shoot, what things you are most emotional about - Wildlife, landscapes, streets, insects, faces…?

But then sometimes, one starts falling in love with the medium itself. And, more often than not... it is the lens ! 

Well, it happens to almost every photographer...
The Love, and the Obsession… for the lens!

The Honey-bee loves the lens as much as it loves the flower!

Honey bee on canon lens with cute pink flower - conceptual photography, love for lens
A lens cap OR a Marie biscuit?

Canon lens cap lying on top of a hip of marie biscuits, love for lens
Who knows, a lens may pop out from one of those Russian Dolls one day!

Canon lens inserted inside Russian Dolls, love for lens
All lenses “heart” the light…The lens Hood proves it!
Lens hood lying on book creates a heart shaped shadow on pages, love for lens
Most forgotten, most misplaced objects need the memo-holder most!

lens cap inserted in memo holder clip, love for lens
When photography is a morning drink!

lens cap of canon on top of tea cup, love for lens
Fantasizing perfect Valentine’s Day gifts: A cute stuffed baby elephant & A brand new lens!

cute stuffed baby elephant holding brand new canon lens, love for lens
Since these images feature brand logo of Canon, their release type is "Editorial Use Only". None of these images are available for commercial use.

Non-editorial images can be used for almost any purpose but Editorial images, which also include news and celebrity images, are not cleared for commercial use. 

To buy these images - Strictly for Editorial purposes, visit Lensdepictions Gallery.

Images & Article ©2012 Gyaneshwari Dave