December 30, 2011

Lensdepictions Images Of The Year - 2011

    The clock will soon tick over to the New Year’s Eve after this post goes live. At this juncture, I want to take a moment out and send a quick personal greeting to the readers of lensdepictions. Thank you for your readership, appreciation and support. Wish you all the joy, peace and love for the coming New Year!

Here is sharing with you - the lensdepictions Images that have made their mark in one way or another in the year 2011. Have a look and leave your comments about what do you think...



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Conceptual (Surroundings)

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Conceptual (Still-life)

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Food Photography

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Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it”
-Dee Hock
     Well, what better thought to have on a New Year’s Eve?

All Images Copyrights © 2011 Gyaneshwari Dave

(Visit for buying/licensing of the Images)

December 23, 2011

"Last day at school before Christmas: through the fence" - A Photo Essay.

This is a special post for Christmas...
Christmas time's for dreaming,
Thoughts of long ago…
Holidays of childhood,
Memories all aglow.
Alice Kennelly Roberts 

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
Christmas gift suggestions from Oren Arnold

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
Soon the bells will start,
And the thing that will make them ring
Is the carol that you sing
Right within your heart.
-Johnny Mathis

Whatever else be lost among the years,
Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing:
Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears,
Let us hold close one day, remembering
Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men.
Let us get back our childlike faith again.
-Grace Noll Crowell 

Your friendship is a glowing ember
Through the year; and each December
From its warm and living spark
We kindle flame against the dark
And with its shining radiance light
Our tree of faith on Christmas night.
-Thelma J. Lund

The world's alive with Christmas joy!
Come join the merry throng.
You'll find upon your lips a smile,
Within your heart a song.
-Nadine Brothers Lybarger 

All Images Copyrights © 2011 Gyaneshwari Dave

December 20, 2011

The Success Story Of A Tree...

As the countdown to bid farewell to year 2011 begins, it is the time to look at the year being left behind, in retrospect…Also, the time to review the Images’ statistics and various analytical reports of for the year. The next post of the blog will feature all the images that have topped the charts for various interesting categories this year.

Personally however, the “Most Searched lensdepictions Image of The Year” is somewhat special of them all. It has made me wonder about certain things, made me pause for a while, and think…

Here is presenting the lensdepictions image getting the maximum number of views through the medium of search engines this year, titled- “Palash branch against summer sky”!

Most Searched lensdepictions Image of The Year...

Well, there are still few days left for the year to conclude, regardless, I can safely declare this image as the most searched lensdepictions Image of the year, right now itself. Simply because, this image is way ahead of the number two image in this category!

And, like any remarkable photograph, it has a story behind it too…

It was March- the month of spring, and I was on my way to a well-known Jyotirling temple of Lord Shiva in Maharashtra, India. Sitting in the back seat of the car, I was casually looking outside the window, watching the green agricultural fields on the side of the highway, passing by in front of me… all of a sudden, I spotted this amazing tree… It looked absolutely magical to me- A brown tree loaded with abundance of beautiful, fresh, rich pink flowers but… without a single leaf! However, before I could examine it or think any further, the car just zipped past the spot. 

Through the rear window of the car, I kept staring back at the tree, as long as I could… Until, it faded away from my sight, completely. I inquired everyone in the car, including the driver, if anyone knew which tree that was, but nobody had the knowledge.

...Now that I know everything about the tree, it feels strange, how come I was so unaware of such a wonderful tree (Actually, not entirely my fault; Palash generally grows in rural/forest areas and people like me who spend their whole lives in cities often tend to remain deprived of these natural wonders only a village can educate one about)…

The next thing I did was, I quickly remembered few landmarks that could help me spot the very same place on my way back. In the return journey, I kept my eyes firmly glued to the view outside. At no cost I was ready to miss the tree again. After a long wait (or it felt to me that way), finally, I saw the tree from a distance; As soon as it approached closer, I got down, hardly waiting for the car to stop...

The tree was standing there lonely, in the middle of someone’s agricultural land protected with barbed wires fence. But, trespassing comes naturally to me, when the reward is nature.

Without thinking much, I slipped inside, the watered earth under my feet made my footwear and clothes laced with mud. But, what I longed for since hours was right in front of me. Its leaf-less branches was a mystery, its flowers were divine, there was beauty in its peace, and there was wisdom in its silence. And I knew, I had made my day…

But what I did not, was the popularity of the tree. Apart from having a number of medicinal values, in Indian culture, Palash is considered a very a sacred tree used in many religious rituals. Also known as the “Flame of the forest”, the tree, they say- is nature’s way of playing “Holi- an Indian festival of colors”. 

Now that a Palash image has managed to top the list of most searched lensdepictions images this year, it makes me realize how much in demand the tree must be. Be it among botany students, nature lovers, spiritual seekers or NRIs missing their roots, so many people from all around the world have searched images of “Palash-tree” on web, and hundreds of time, they have found it on lensdepictions. This is humbling, indeed!

The triumph of the simple image, and thereby a simple tree, confirms my belief that it is the most simple things in our lives that are the most extra-ordinary!

 Images & Article ©2011 Gyaneshwari Dave

December 2, 2011

The ocean enigma

 “In nature’s infinite book of secrecy, A little I can read” – Shakespeare

"Beach OR Mountains?" They ask you once you express your love for the nature...

Mountains!” I always reply in the same breath.

Every creation of nature, small or big, beautiful or ugly, has its own enchantment and appeal, there is no denying that… but, I have always had this soft corner towards mountains as against the beaches.

In the heights of the mountains, I feel at home, in the lap of the hills, I feel secure. I just cannot get enough of watching those mammoth peaks talking to the clouds smoothly sailing over; the passions in the depths of the valleys fascinate me no end…

People prefer watching the sunset at a beach, but for me, the sun hiding behind that enormous mountain make for one perfect painting on the canvas of the sky. 

I admire the beauty of the beaches and as photographer, am well aware of how gorgeous beach images can look. But somehow, I don't feel high-spirited in front of an ocean.

Being at a beach always fills my heart with a strange, unexplainable void
My wandering soul - always successful in finding something photogenic in any given place, comes to a halt all of a sudden every time I stand in front of an ocean. 
There, perhaps my mind becomes calm but the rebel heart of mine becomes uneasy, sinking into those infinite looking waters, assuming a silence - which sometimes, grows deafening…
My eyes starts searching for unknown, scanning the vast breadths and lengths of the ocean, only to come to a discomposed standstill at the horizon.

Perhaps it is that photographic eye of mine that keeps playing tricks on my heart there.
Possibly, the color-rich, engaging fabric of the mountains keeps me content in terms of the compositional variety of my photographs. 
Whatever be the reason, beaches had never made me experience that euphoria within that I feel at mountains.

However it occurred once, when for a brief moment, I actually got a crush on the ocean, something that had not been successful to woo me before. And I am glad about the defeat!

It was well past evening, dark, and so for the first time ever, I bothered to listen to the ocean  more than to look at it.  
I watched the radiant trails of the moon-beam being scattered by the waves of the ocean.   When reaching the shore,those waves smashed on to the beautiful pebbles lying on the beach and generated a carefree music of their own...

I realized how much deceiving the plain appearance of an ocean can be when I listened to its songs. 
Those songs were rebellious, unbothered, unanxious! 

I felt so delighted, I could not complain the least …after all, it was the very first time when I met the ocean and found it to be just like me too... it was actually like discovering a like-minded friend after a long time…

As the moments passed, I sensed myself savoring the unique, airy, oceanic smells of the waves...
For the first time ever, the ocean did not suffocate me and I was not restless at a beach.  

For once, my heart felt settled there, for once, I wanted to be there… a little more…

God is too big for just one religion. And if nature is God, which, for me, at least is, how can I  confine myself to just one religion, dwelling in a familiar territory forever… That way, I will never get lost. 

And I want to get lost may be, to find myself.

To have a look at some of the beach and mountain photography by me, go here.

Image & Article © 2011 Gyaneshwari Dave